DSM 2015: Modeling and managing complex systems - Proceedings of the 17th International DSM Conference Fort Worth (Texas, USA), 4-6 November 2015
Year: 2015
Editor: Browning, T. R.; Eppinger, S. D.; Schmidt, D. M.; Lindemann, U.
Series: DSM
Front matter: Download
Table of Contents
DSM Foundations and Applications, and an Update on the Explainer (Members only )
Steward, D. V. -
Supplementing Morphological Analysis with a Design Structure Matris for Policy Formulation in a Wastewater Treatment Plant (Members only )
Buzuku, S.; Kraslawski, A.; Harmaa, K. -
A Matrix-based Framework to Support Dynamic Modeling of Sociotechnical Systems (Members only )
Hollauer, C.; Wilberg, J.; Omer, M. -
Structuring a Product Development Organization Based on the Product Architecture and Communication (Members only )
Luna, R. R.; Eppinger, S. D. -
Analyzing industrial clusters using measures of structural complexity management (Members only )
Schmidt, D. M.; Haas, M.; Kammerl, D.; Wilberg, J.; Kissel, M. P.; Lindemann, U. -
Application of DSM in the field Organizational Psychology (Members only )
Fink, S.; Kasperek, D.; Reif, J.; Kugler, K.; Brodbeck, F.; Maurer, M. -
Identification of Process, Team and Tool Dependencies in Building Information Modelling (BIM) Implementation using Multi-Domain Mapping (MDM) – A Theoretical Framework (Members only )
Akintola, Y.; Senthilkumar, V.; Root, D. S. -
An Initial Metamodel to Evaluate Potentials for Graph- based Analyses of Product Development Projects (Members only )
Chucholowski, N.; Lindemann, U. -
Graphical Triangularization (Members only )
Strattner, M.; Fank, P.; Braun, T. -
DoD Predictive Program Management (Members only )
Ruzzo, A. -
DSM-based Reliability Analysis of Modular Architectures (Members only )
Lindén, J.; Sellgren, U.; Söderberg, A. -
Applying DSM methodology to rank risk of internal controls in critical infrastructure enterprises (Members only )
Dister, C. J.; Jablonski, A.; Browning, T. R. -
VE2 Strategies by MDM (Members only )
Leardi, C. -
System Level Thermal Design - Process Modeling for Functional/Structure Design using SysML and MDM (Members only )
Seki, K.; Muraoka, Y.; Nishimura, H. -
Analysis of correlations between system structure and costs by structural criteria (Members only )
Maisenbacher, S.; Fink, S.; Behncke, F.; Lindemann, U. -
DSM for Modeling and Analyzing Functionality: Views of Practitioners (Members only )
Eisenbart, B.; Gericke, K.; Blessing, L. -
MDM-Based Kansei Design Approach to Appeal on Customer Senses for Products (Members only )
Yamagishi, K.; Seki, K.; Ohtomi, K.; Nisimura, H. -
A system-based approach to further design the concept of Manufacturing Change Management (Members only )
Koch, J.; Brandl, F.; Reinhart, G. -
Modeling Industrial Symbiosis Using Design Structure Matrices (Members only )
Hein, A. M.; Jankovic, M.; Farel, R.; Lei, I. S.; Yannou, B. -
How to build up an Engineering Change dependency model based on past change data? (Members only )
Wickel, M. C.; Lindemann, U. -
New Product Development Visualization & Optimization using DSMs (Members only )
Minogue, P. -
On Ranking Components in Scientific Software (Members only )
Hossain, S.; Khan, S. F.; Quashem, R. -
The Principle of Modularity (Members only )
Tokunaga, T.; Fujimura, S. -
Measurement of Modularity Level within Selected Omani Small and Medium Size Enterprises (Members only )
Shamsuzzona, A.; Al-Maskari, F.; Al-Lawati, S.; Al-Adawi, M.; Al-Tamimi, M.; Al-Hinai, N.; Al-Kindi, M.