DS 87-6 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 6: Design Information and Knowledge, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017
Year: 2017
Editor: Anja Maier, Stanko Škec, Harrison Kim, Michael Kokkolaras, Josef Oehmen, Georges Fadel, Filippo Salustri, Mike Van der Loos
Series: ICED
ISBN: 978-1-904670-94-0
ISSN: 2220-4342
Front matter: Download
Table of Contents
Knowledge based support for the designer at the interface of CAD/CAE
Andrae, Rene; Köhler, Peter -
Towards robust inter-organizational synergy: Perceived quality knowledge transfer in the automotive industry
Stenholm, Daniel; Stylidis, Konstantinos; Bergsjö, Dag; Söderberg, Rikard -
Concept for a simulation model to analyze knowledge conversions within the product development process
Laukemann, Alexander; Binz, Hansgeorg; Roth, Daniel -
Automatic design structure matrices: A comparison of two formula student projects
Gopsill, James; Snider, Chris; Emanuel, Lia; Joel-Edgar, Sian; Hicks, Ben -
Improving engineering information retrieval by combining TD-IDF and product structure classification
Jones, David; Matthews, Jason; Xie, Yifan; Gopsill, James; Dotter, Martin; Chanchevrier, Nicolas; Hicks, Ben -
Development of a knowledge-based system for help in decision making: A medical application
Coton, Justine; Thomann, Guillaume; Villeneuve, François -
Design space visualization for efficiency in knowledge discovery leading to an informed decision
Abi Akle, Audrey; Yannou, Bernard; Minel, Stéphanie -
A clustering and word similarity based approach for identifying product feature words
Suryadi, Dedy; Kim, Harrison -
Framework of mechanical design knowledge representations for avoiding patent infringement
Jiang, Pingfei; Atherton, Mark; Harrison, David; Malizia, Alessio -
Technical inheritance: Information basis for the identification and development of product generations
Mozgova, Iryna; Barton, Sebastian; Demminger, Christian; Miebach, Timo; Taptimthong, Piriya; Lachmayer, Roland; Nyhuis, Peter; Reimche, Wilfried; Wurz, Marc Christopher -
Product description in terms of advantages and drawbacks: Exploiting patent information in novel ways
Chiarello, Filippo; Fantoni, Gualtiero; Bonaccorsi, Andrea -
The knowledge benchmarking process framework: A new basis to analyze megaprojects challenges and practices
Mbassegue, Patrick; Gardoni, Mickaël; Tahboub, Zain -
Supporting development teams in the early stages of product development through DfX-based knowledge management system and communication platform
Ugurlu, Sinan; Gerhard, Detlef -
Knowledge-based engineering applications for supporting the design of precast concrete facade panels
Montali, Jacopo; Overend, Mauro; Pelken, P. Michael; Sauchelli, Michele -
From elicitation to structuring of additive manufacturing knowledge
Grandvallet, Christelle; Pourroy, Franck; Prudhomme, Guy; Vignat, Frédéric -
k-MORE - A methodology to manage documented knowledge for reuse
Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Lindemann, Udo -
The difficulties reported by engineers in searching information
Zhang, Shuai; Johnson, Aylmer -
Gathering and analysing external influences on the product design - a case study
Kammerl, Daniel; Echle, Stefan; Mörtl, Markus -
Mediating constraints across design and manufacturing using platform-based manufacturing operations
Landahl, Jonas; Madrid, Julia; Levandowski, Christoffer; Johannesson, Hans; Söderberg, Rikard; Isaksson, Ola -
A new knowledge management tool for product development in micro-companies
Huret, Martin; Jean, Camille; Segonds, Frédéric -
Functional surfaces as initial product design concept in 3D-CAD-Systems
Katzwinkel, Tim; Jacobs, Georg; Löwer, Manuel; Schmid, Alexander; Schmidt, Walter; Siebrecht, Justus -
A new "knowledge-based engineering" guideline
Luft, Thomas; Roth, Daniel; Binz, Hansgeorg; Wartzack, Sandro -
Structuring information in technical inheritance with PDM systems
Scheidel, Wieben; Mozgova, Iryna; Lachmayer, Roland -
Modularization: Exploring opportunities for knowledge transfer between the mechanical engineering and construction industry
Kohl, Markus; Wilberg, Julian; Tommelein, Iris; Pikas, Ergo; Lindemann, Udo -
Maturity of models in a multi-model decision support system
Johansson, Christian; Wall, Johan; Panarotto, Massimo -
Lessons learnt from experts in design rationale knowledge capture
Hall, Mark; Bermell-Garcia, Pablo; Ravindranath, Ranjit; McMahon, Christopher -
Improved codification and transfer of engineering knowledge through human intermediaries
Ruck, Tobias; Albers, Albert; Reiß, Nicolas -
Support management of product families and the corresponding automation systems – A method to capture and share design rationale
Poorkiany, Morteza; Johansson, Joel; Elgh, Fredrik -
Climbing C-trees: Analysing Concept-tree content and construction
Blanco, Eric; Le Dain, Marie-Anne; Lavayssiere, Pierre; Chevrier, Pierre -
Information rich mapping requirement to product architecture through functional system deployment: The Multi Entity Domain Approach
Hauksdóttir, Dagný; Mortensen, Niels Henrik -
Information extracted from patents as creative stimuli for product innovation
Parvin, Mehdi; Cascini, Gaetano; Becattini, Niccolo -
A visual analysis of technical knowledge evolution based on patent data
Smojver, Vladimir; Potočki, Eva; Štorga, Mario -
Modeling product co-consideration relations: A comparative study of two network models
Sha, Zhenghui; Wang, Mingxian; Huang, Yun; Contractor, Noshir; Fu, Yan; Chen, Wei -
Utilizing unstructured feedback data from MRO reports for the continuous improvement of standard products
Abramovici, Michael; Gebus, Philip; Göbel, Jens Christian; Savarino, Philipp -
How explicit are we in a design meeting: Investigation on meeting knowledge structuring with design rationale
Dai, Xinghang; Velde, Frank -
Framework of the evolution in virtual product modelling and model management towards digitized engineering
Bitzer, Michael; Eigner, Martin; Faißt, Karl-Gerhard; Muggeo, Christian; Eickhoff, Thomas -
Definition and support of differentiation and integration in mechanical structure using S-curve theory and wavelet transform
Ishii, Takahiro; Parque, Victor; Miura, Satoshi; Miyashita, Tomoyuki