Darstellung des Zusammenhangs von Produktarchitektur- und Produktionssystemgestaltung in SysML
DS 106: Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X (DFX2020)
Year: 2020
Editor: Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold; Sandro Wartzack
Author: Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Winter, Michael; Lödding, Hermann; Krause, Dieter
Series: DfX
Institution: Institute of Product Development and Mechanical Engineering Design; Hamburg University of Technology; Institute of Production Management and Technology; Hamburg University of Technology
Section: Systems Engineering
Page(s): 41-50
DOI number: https://doi.org/10.35199/dfx2020.5
The product standardization favors the design of production systems in terms of automation. This is contrary to the strategy of product differentiation, which serves external market variety. The goal of this paper is the design of an overall system that leverages product differentiation while not derogating the production efficiency. For this purpose, module drivers are recorded in a literature research and examined with regard to their relevance for production. In a next step, the module drivers are linked to the impact model of modular product structures in a SysML-model, which is then examined with regard to indirect connections.
Keywords: Product Architecture, Production Systems, MBSE