Analysis and evaluation in the early stages of designing resource efficient offerings: A comparison among large companies and small and medium enterprises
Year: 2019
Editor: Wartzack, Sandro; Schleich, Benjamin; Gon
Author: Brambila-Macias, Sergio Andres; Sakao, Tomohiko
Series: ICED
Institution: Link
Section: Responsible design
DOI number:
ISSN: 2220-4342
In Europe there is a common vision to transform the economy into a sustainable one by 2050 which among other changes, calls for companies to address their offerings in a more resource-efficient manner. Therefore, efforts to provide design support namely, methods, guidelines and tools to specifically address natural resources and impact of products and services have been increasing. Moreover, companies of all sizes should integrate environmental concerns as early as possible to select profitable and environmentally sound offerings. However, knowledge of the analysis and evaluation of resource-efficient offerings seems currently insufficient especially with regards to similarities and differences among different company sizes. In this paper, the study of eight case companies: 3 large companies and 5 SMEs, shows how industry addresses the analysis and evaluation of their offerings. Commonalities among SMEs and large companies include decisions made by strategic or managerial boards, the use of mock-ups and project management skills, among others. These findings could help academics in providing relevant, useful and usable support to industry.
Keywords: Evaluation, Ecodesign, Decision making