Identifying opportunities for the implementation of UX design in industrial goods development
Year: 2017
Editor: Anja Maier, Stanko Škec, Harrison Kim, Michael Kokkolaras, Josef Oehmen, Georges Fadel, Filippo Salustri, Mike Van der Loos
Author: Wölfel, Christian; Gärtner, Frank; Krzywinski, Jens; Siwek, Sandra
Series: ICED
Institution: 1: TU Dresden, Germany; 2: Aalen University, Germany
Section: Human Behaviour in Design
Page(s): 599-606
ISBN: 978-1-904670-96-4
ISSN: 2220-4342
The approach of designing for experience has been developed in interaction design and adopted for product design in the recent years. There are scattered efforts on bringing the approach of designing for experience (or user experience design) to the field of industrial goods. There are few companies and research institutions exploring this field. Recent research and practice focused on exploring different approaches and models of designing for experience. One particular approach of Hassenzahl and colleagues stresses the fulfilment of specific basic human needs in order to provoke positive experiences. There is a number of examples applying specific methods for evaluating or measuring product experiences. We report on current research on the transfer and adoption of particular evaluation methods to the field of industrial goods. Industrial goods development is a usually a long-term complex process with many different stakeholders. In this paper we present findings from a series of expert interviews on the current state of user participation in industrial goods development. Based on the findings, we discuss the potential for the application of UX methods in these processes.
Keywords: Design methods, Experience design, Emotional design