A Case Study of Mechatronics Education in Product Design Course Using a Teaching Tool for PIC Processor
Year: 2012
Editor: Lyndon Buck, Geert Frateur, William Ion, Chris McMahon, Chris Baelus, Guido De Grande, Stijn Verwulgen
Author: Atsushi, Mitani
Series: E&PDE
Institution: Sapporo City University, Japan
Section: Design Environment and Tools
Page(s): 205-210
ISBN: 978-1-904670-36-0
This paper described outline of the mechatronics class in the Product Design Course of the School of Design, Sapporo City University, Japan. The mechatronics is an essential technology for various industrial products. In the curriculum of product design education, there are few classes regarding mechatronics to realize functions embedded in products, whereas many classes regarding design expressions using computer software. To propose an effective design to the mechatronics-embedded products, the mechatronics lectures should be included in the curriculum of product design education. For the mechatronics class I offered, a printed circuit substrate was developed to study electronic devices and a PIC processor for design expressions. The lecture included PIC assembler programs for LED blink control, feedback from sensors and switches, the driving of servomotor, and the sequential feedback. This class was done by an assignment to produce an actual model for an interaction design with human actions using these skills.
Keywords: Mechatronics education, educational tool, PIC processor, interaction design