Acquisition of Product Development Tools in Industry

Year: 2001
Author: Sales de Araujo Júnior, Claudiano
Supervisor: Andreasen Mogens Myrup; Duffy, Alex H. B.; Wright, Ian
Institution: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Page(s): 264
ISBN: 87-90130-32-4


Product Development (PD) organisations have at their disposal a large amount of PD tools (i.e., methods, techniques, principles, methodologies, etc). These tools, which includes both computer and paper based versions, are generally believed to be [potentially] capable' of helping PD organisations to formulate, carry and/or control the wide variety of tasks and problems involved in a typical PD effort (planning, engineering analysis, conceptual design, data management, etc). A large amount of effort has been placed by academics and specialised companies in the development and dissemination of new PD tools. However, in spite of all of this effort, most of the available solutions are not implemented in practice. Moreover, the ones that are chosen for implementation do not always deliver the expected benefits. Analysis of the results from a survey of the utilization of PD methods and tools in the UK Industry pointed to poor acquisition practice as one major obstacle for successful implementation and utilization of new PD tools. Following the insights from this survey a research project was set-up with the general aim of investigating the multiple dimensions related to the subject of PD tools acquisition by industry. The main goal was the establishment of a clear theoretical understanding of how organisations involved in product development execute the process of acquiring new PD tools, including the factors, processes, and elements involved in the phenomenon area, their interrelationship, and the laws that govern this interrelationship. The result, which is the object of this thesis, was the derivation of a general descriptive model of the phenomenon, which is considered to provide a good interpretation of how most acquisition situations found in the current practice occur. In the course of the project, a number of associated issues had to be tackled, guided by a range of secondary goals for the research. Of special relevance was the detailed investigation of the nature of PD tools, including classifications, concepts, terminology and life-cycle issues. This is also discussed in the thesis. The result of the investigation is a series of results and conclusions which are considered relevant not only to other academics investigating tool acquisition (including the derivation of methodologies to support PD tools acquisition in practice), but also to individuals (academics and practitioners) interested in enhancing their understanding of PD tools in general, and how they are selected in particular. Abstract
Produktudviklingsorganisationer har en lang rćkke vćrktøjer (dvs metoder, teknikker, principper, fremgangsmåder etc.) til rådighed for produktudviklingen (PU). Disse vćrktøjer, der inkluderer både computer- og papir-baserede typer, anses normalt for at vćre [potentielt] i stand til at hjćlpe PU organisationer med at formulere, udføre og/eller kontrollere et bredt spektrum af opgaver og problemer i typiske PU situationer (produktplanlćglling, analyse, konceptudvikling, data management osv). Der er gjort en stor indsats fra forskere og specialistvirksomheder for at udvikle og udbrede nye vćrktøjer. Men på trods af alle disse bestrćbelser er kun få af de eksisterende løsninger taget i anvendelse i praksis. Herudover leverer de, der udvćlges til implementering ikke altid de forventede fordele. Analyse af resultaterne fra en undersøgelse af udnyttelsen af PU-metoder og vćrktøjer i engelsk industri peger på en dårlig udvćlgelsespraksis som en af hovedhindringerne for succesfuld implementering og udnyttelse af nye PU-vćrktøjer. I tråd med indsigten fra denne undersøgelse blev dette forskningsprojekt formuleret med det generelle mål at udforske de mange dimensioner der knytter sig til udvćlgelsen afPU-vćrktøjer i industrien. Hovedmålet er etablering af en klar teoretisk indsigt i hvordan organisationer involveret i PU udfører processen at udvćlge nye PU-vćrktøjer, omfattende faktorer, processer og løsninger involveret i dette fćnomen, deres samspil og de lovmćssigheder, der styrer dette samspil. Resultatet, der er opstået gennem denne afhandling, er udvikling af en generel, beskrivende model af fćnomenet udvćlgelse, en model som må betragtes som en god tolkning af hvordan de fleste udvćlgelser fundet i praksis foregår. I projektets forløb er en rćkke temaer blevet angrebet, styret af en rćkke sekundćre forsknings mål. Specielt relevant er en detaljeret udforskning af naturen af PU-vćrktøjer, omfattende klassificering, koncept-identifikation, terminologi og livsfasetemaer for vćrktøjer. Disse emner er klarlagt i afhandlingen. Forskningsresultatet er en rćkke resultater og konklusioner, der betragtes som relevante ikke bare for andre forskere i området vćrktøjsudvćlgelse (inkluderende udviklingen af metoder til støtte for udvćlgelse af PU-vćrktøjer i praksis), men også for personer (forskere og industrifolk) interesseret i at styrke deres forståelse af PU-vćrktøjer generelt og specielt hvorledes de udvćlges.

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