Optimization in Mechanical Products Design: Use of a Coupling between Algorithms and Finite Elements Calculations for the Design of a Vehicle Frame
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Varret, Antoine; Abboudi, Said; Gomes, Samuel; Serrafero, Patrick
Series: ICED
Section: Product and Systems Design
Page(s): 119-130
In a traditional design, the steps are the development of a solution, followed by the design and industrialization. Finite element calculations solvers are used most often as a means of validation of the solution and not as tools to help to the solution development. Modifications resulting are costly to operate because they occur late in the design process. This paper presents an experiment of coupling between a finite element solver and a multi-criteria optimization algorithm for the identification of solutions in a case of designing a racing vehicle chassis frame. The proposed methodology is first tested on a simple example to verify the consistency of results.
Keywords: multicriteria optimization, genetic algorithms, mechanical product design